How to Lose Fat Fast

How To Stay in Shape

 Many of us have achieved their desired bodyweight, but do not know how to maintain it. This article will discuss some life style tips that help you stay in shape after you have achieved the results you want.

For most of us, there is one main reason why we often fail to stay in shape especially after losing certain amount of body fat :

| Lack of Time |

Of course their will be more factors, but lack of time is the main problem we face when trying to implement fat loss diets as a permanent routine in our daily life. Actually, If you have the time to prepare meals, exercise and sleep everyday while doing other tasks, then chances of gaining fat again will be much less. However, the good news is that maintaining a current level of body fat should not take much time as it is the case when you are trying to lose body fat.

| Staying Slim is More of Smart Choices Rather Than Strict Diets |

There are certain habits that will not only prevent gaining fat but will also save you lot of time and money. Some of these habits are needed daily, while others can be implemented from time to time. 

1- Delay Your Breakfast

If you can not maintain healthy eating 7 days a week, do not worry. Delaying breakfast (at least every other day) is the smartest and easiest tool you can use when you find your self obligated to attend social occasions that involve unhealthy eating like parties, family gathering and others. Delaying breakfast is much like intermittent fasting but without a restricted timing.

2- Cycling Carbohydrates

This trick is more of manipulating your calorie intake so you avoid metabolic adaptation. What most fat loss seekers fail to understand is that if you maintain a low calorie diet for a period of time, your body will stop responding to it as a -low- calorie diet, and will start to treat it as your new normal calorie need. Changing the amount of carbohydrates you consume every other day can be done alternatively with the previous tip (delaying your breakfast). In other words, you can eat more carbs in days post to fasting routine, or less carbs combined with delaying breakfast post to unhealthy eating.

3- Balanced Diet = Avoid Over Eating

It is very easy to avoid over eating if you are balancing the amount of protein, carbs and fat in every meal. If we are talking about healthy slow absorbing carbs like veggies and whole grains, overeating becomes much harder. This type of carbs are nutritious and very satiating in the same time. Fruits on the other hand are perfect snacks that are also satiating and low in calories.

4- Smart Training

Although nutrition has a bigger contribution to fat loss, the way you train and structure your workout also plays a significant role in. There are certain type of exercises that does not take too much time and enables you to have higher metabolism. Including high intensity exercises 2-3 times a weeks in combination with resistance training 3-5 days a weeks will boost your hormones and eventually your ability to burn more fat. This type of exercises may not burn fat as much as cardio at the time of exercise, but it will burn more through out the day, and while you sleep. On the other hand, consider doing normal cardio in your free time.

4- Create a Routine

Time management is easier when you set a daily routine. Setting a fixed timing for basic tasks like going to bed, waking up, eating, and other basics will save you time in a way that will surprise you. Managing time through planning your daily tasks will enable you to have more time for your self.


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